
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 Days of Christmas: My 10 Best Food for Babies

I forget to include in my post, that my princess’ having her check up because of flu, my Pedia recommends to increase food she intake, since Princess, now is getting bigger, and probably would miss the time of hard work and little sleep with her, the whole HER, but (still she’s my princess) I know, babies grows fast, we would never stop our baby’s growth and she’s now entitled to eat several foods that will benefit her a lot.

There are lots of healthy, baby-friendly foods out there, but some stand from the pack. I reviewed my subscription in Baby center and I’m surprised that some of the food I gave to my Princess was on the list. 
Here our ten absolute favorites;

squashy pumpkins
Squash-naturally sweet with creamy texture, with vitamin A and C (sometimes I do sprinkle it with parmesan cheese)

freshly spinach

   Dark green leafy vegetables-good source of iron and folate, especially the spinach

steamed broccoli
   Broccoli-known as cancer fighting ,with folate, fiber and calcium but it can also be soothing  during teething ( I just steam it into pieces and chilled)

one of my favorite as well as Princess' choice
 Avocadoes-it’ is good for brain development of the baby  (I just mashed and add cream cheese together with other foods like apple and tada!)

oranges for my celebrity baby:)
    Mandarin oranges- known best as high vitamin C and antioxidants (my princess’ really loves the flavor)

fresh prunes for babies
  Prunes-this is I insist to eat with my baby, cause it can help relieve constipation, as we introduce solids food (I normally serve it straight or sometimes I mixed with cereals or applesauce)

2nd Princess' choice
  Potato-this was my favorite hand pick to my princess, a good source of carbohydrates (I usually boiled and smash it)

munchy beans
     Garbanzo beans-best rich in protein and fiber (with sautĂ©ing with chickpeas to olive oil and left out for her munch)

a dish that I can cook for Boo family:)
Many of us don't think that meat as a typical food for babies, but it is one of top choice since it's good source of zinc and iron that easy to make, easy to chew and endless in it's variety. Just by adding different seasoning and veggies.

infant's first food.
As the saying goes' An apple a day, keeps the doctor away" it truly a wonder fruit that best for babies.
A lot of fruits advice to Princess'  but I will post it separately as "fruits for baby food"

Hope it helps as guide for your little one. It's seven days counting till the Christmas day.:)

*all photos are not mine

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