
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Review: Celeteque Acne Clearing Facial Moisturizer Gel!

I was one of the blessed women in town for having an acne-free. I must say I would only get the occasional pimple when I have my monthlies or if I used cosmetic product that doesn’t match my skin. So I’m very thankful for it. But still, it would be glad if I had a clearer skin that doesn’t need to apply cosmetics just to conceal the flaws. You know, how simple, plain Jane I am and ready-to go-person that as much as possible, the only things inside my pouch is a translucent powder and a lipstick. But in case I have to attend special events or something work-related, I should have the “full-pack” make up. I guess that’s couldn’t be phased out. Lol. Seriously, we can’t prevent the coming out of zits, cause stubborn pimples usually base on hormones, stress (which I believe where my breakouts appear) infection and cosmetics are several things to include, that’s why I used this Celeteque Acne Clearing Facial Moisturizer Gel.

With its contents of Salicylic Acid that breaks down blockage in pores, Acnacidol that helps reduce sebum secretion and inhibits the development of acne-causing bacteria and French Spring Water for smoothening and moisturizing effect on the skin, I’m sold out that’s why I get one tube and try it for week to see the promising results.

thick gel
This small squeeze of gel helps reduce acne while hydrating the skin. It’s a moisturizer that considerably less potential to make you oily. Its thick gel feels sticky but absorbs quickly. You can buy the tube costs 335P (7.8$) that can lasts for three weeks perhaps, it depends on how times you used the product.

ugh the breakouts I suffer so far

Prons- affordable, medicinal smell, but tolerable, locally available, with manufacturing and expiration date so you don’t have to worry if it’s still usable

Cons- I can’t find one because I like how it reduces my pimples while hydrating my skin

How To Use- After cleansing your skin, apply on face and neck using your finger tips.

Would you buy it again? Yes I will, but eyeing to try Acne Spot Corrector Gel.

After having it with me all the time, applying it every morning before I go to the office without applying primer, concealer, and foundation in my face, (tiis-ganda) one week of result, and tada! this was my face with blemish free. Would you believe, it's just the powder and the lights. Haha.What do you think?

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