
Monday, April 28, 2014

I want to be part of Sampleroom’s Bloggers Circle!

I started blogging way back in 2012. It was aiming for random chronicles in life which evolves in lifestyle, career and beauty. I must say, I started to have my own blog because I adapted the work-life balance of GoJackieGo as careermom and Project Vanity as I see myself who simply believe that women need break ups through beauty and wellness.

Being a careermom is the most adventure of a life. You are working hard because you want to satisfy yourself physically, emotionally and financially.You are spending wisely so that to me, Sampleroom is the best shot to spend less, work for best. I mean who wouldn’t want free products for just 100? Yeah , it was the shipping cost just to get the item for consumption road-test but sometimes it overwhelmed cos some high end products will get in full-sized. Who wouldn’t love that?  That’s why everybody loves Sampleroom which offers best beauty products that will match you. They are giving free samples for consumers to be able to learn and avail. You can read my sampleroom items here and here.

Now Sampleroom is my everyday life. I see to it that there’s a lot of an affordable yet good products, expensive items that can’t missed off. Though sometimes, those worthy pieces given to each member of my family.There's a saying, BLESSINGS should be SHARE, and I found lucky things in SR. I found every cents, worth!You know how much working mom valuing for money and Sampleroom is definitely value for your money.This is part of being a queenmamiboo and join me at Sampleroom to find happiness and to be confident well-being.

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